A black and gray tattoo featuring a detailed frog sitting on top of a clock on the torso, surrounded by two other tattoos: a colorful Super Mario character on the left arm and a menacing, grinning character with a helmet on the right arm.

Chad Bond


Hey there! I'm CJ Bond, and I've been tattooing for over 20 years. My journey started when I picked up a tattoo machine at 18. Initially, I worked in street shops, exploring various styles to find my niche. Eventually, I discovered my passion for greyscale and color realism, drawing inspiration from artists like Nikko Hurtado and Mike DeVries.

Tattooing is more than a profession to me; it's an art form. I love creating tattoos that tell a story and resonate with the person wearing them. My focus is on making each piece unique and personal, incorporating intricate details and lifelike effects.

One of the highlights of my career is attending tattoo conventions. These events are a fantastic opportunity to connect with other artists, share techniques, and gain inspiration. They also offer a platform to showcase my work and meet clients from around the world.

Running Bond Tattoo Studio with my wife Angel has been a dream come true. Our studio, established in 2023, is a place where creativity and professionalism thrive. We aim to provide a welcoming environment for everyone seeking high-quality tattoo work.

Interview with Chad Bond

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